Maximo - Object Structure's Child object key attributes not displayed in Payload.
MIF (Maximo Integration Framework) object structure Child object key attributes not displayed.
Create an Object Structure with main object as WORKORDER and child object as WOACTIVITY. The WOACTIVITY has the key attributes SITEID and WONUM.
When generating this object structure Schema/View XML file, why these two fields are not included in the WOACTIVITY section?
By default, The child object Key Attributes are automatically removed if the parent object has the same keys.
But, You can change this behavior.
In the Object Structures application go to Select Action - Advanced Configuration
Uncheck the "Exclude Parent Key Attributes" option for this child object. This will make the child object key attributes are visible in the Schema/View XML file.
For more details, have a look at below screenshot.
Maximo - Object Structure's Child object key attributes not displayed in Payload.
Reviewed by ICD / Maximo Review
March 29, 2022
Rating: 5