Important url's for Maximo and ICD

On this page, I will try to cover all those url's which will be helpful in various aspects for Maximo and ICD like in Installation, Configuration etc. To check the IBM products compatibility with other products like OS, Middleware etc. use this url -->  To check the Part numbers required for download for ICD 7.6.1 . Downloading IBM...

IBM ITSM - ICD, Flexibility to grow as needs change and evolve

The best part of ICD (IBM Control Desk) is different modules, which is tightly integrated to each other though you can use any process to start with and later you can explore the other modules as per  your requirements. What I would suggest here is to start with Service request or Service catalog. And then later add the...

Reports and Business Analytics

                  Hundreds of OOTB Reports Currently we can create reports in IBM Control Desk using IBM Cognos or BIRT Reporting Tool. Cognos License is included with IBM Control Desk whereas BIRT (Business Intelligent Reporting Tool) designer is freely available and It's engine is already included with ICD. Many different types...

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